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BFBN Blog Week: Thursday

Thursday of sleep week!  We have two more great blogs to read today on sleep.  The first is from Carrie at Wiley Adventures.  She is talking about conquering the 45 minute nap.  I didn’t get Ben into a really good schedule until about 5 months, so I don’t remember if we dealt a ton with the 45 minute nap, or just rolled with it.  But I have read a lot about it and I like what Carrie has to say.  She has a great point about staying consistent.  I know when Ben had a hard time sleeping I would change something, and if it didn’t work right away I would change something else.  That doesn’t work!  The scientist in me knows to change one thing at a time so you know what is causing the effect you see!  I think the hardest thing can be giving a technique a real chance to work before jumping to the next idea.  Carrie has some great points in her post.

Text: Conquering the 45 Minute Nape  Picture: baby awake and looking up in crib with giraffe pacifier toy
Today we also have Emily from Journey of Parenthood.  She has written out a really great post about infant sleep in general.  I know as a new mom I was surprised by how much sleep babies really need!  I mean, I knew they slept a lot, but it is really a lot!  (Ben rivaled Dagger for a while, and Dagger is a champion sleeper!)  I think one of the most helpful things I learned with Babywise is to have a wake time to start your day.  Emily talks about that as one of her first points.  Every day is not going to go according to plan with a baby, but the knowledge that at least each day will start the same gave me a lot of comfort.  It is hard to get too wildly off schedule when you always start at the same time, and it gave me a feeling of control that I really needed during a hectic time of life.  The rest of the post is full of great tips, and I know I’ll be referring back to it when the twins are here!
Text: Infant Sleep Guide Helping Your Baby Sleep. Picture: Black and white of baby laying on back sticking tongue out cutely
One more day of sleep tips tomorrow!  I know I am loving having all this helpful info and will be going back over it in the coming months.  Then after this week we return to the regular Ben hi-jinks that fill up the blog most of the time.  🙂

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Children's sleep needs don't change just because we are on vacation. Here are 3 big reasons to maintain vacation sleep schedules. #vacationsleep #sleeptips #naptips #babysleep #toddlersleep #vacationrest #vacationtips #sleepschedules #babywise
3 Big Reasons to Maintain Your Child's Sleep Schedule on Vacation
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