We had a small party for Ben’s big second birthday. We kept this one pretty small for a couple of reasons. One is, well, Ben is only 2. I know he isn’t going to remember this birthday. I of course want it to be fun for him, but he doesn’t care if it is a giant blow out or not. Some cake and family is all he needs. Two- it kept costs down. This is always a consideration, but with twins on the way it is even more important we stay on budget. Three- instead of one big party, Ben had a couple of little ones. He got to celebrate in Arkansas besides his home party. We had planned to celebrate again with Uncle Jared, but sadly I got sick and we couldn’t make that trip. I was seriously very bummed about that. Sorry, Uncle Jared!
I know we probably could have skipped the party entirely, but I just couldn’t do that. I was a little sad we didn’t have a big blow out, Ben gave me the easiest theme every this year. Mickey Mouse! Ben adores Mickey Mouse, and it really has to be the easiest party theme ever. Every party store has Mickey decorations. Pinterest has about a million ideas that actually seem doable. Fortunately I was able to reign myself in and not go nuts over this party. We did a simple Mickey theme. Pat grilled hot dogs (to go with the Hot diggity dog song), Meo and Omi brought over a giant Mickey balloon, and we had a Mickey Mouse cake. We also all watched an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, which is Ben’s most favorite show ever. (It is the cutest thing ever. Any time we play the show for him he points and waves at Mickey, just so happy that Mickey came back to see him. I know he shouldn’t watch much tv, but it is hard to deny him this true love!) There is actually a Mickey’s birthday episode, how perfect is that for a birthday party?
That is it, the whole shebang. Meo and Omi came over to celebrate with us. We were lucky to have Auntie Laura come to the party too. We ate dinner, opened presents, had cake, watched Mickey and played. Ben loved it, and that is my favorite part. He really liked that his family and friend were over at his house and playing with his toys. We got him just a couple of presents, of course Mickey themed. (Seriously, he went from having one little Mickey toy to about a bazillion in one birthday.) His favorite was the toy version of the clubhouse. My favorite were the gifts of money for Ben’s college fund. 🙂 I know, not fun for Ben now, but he’ll appreciate it later in life.
Overall, I think it was the perfect birthday for him right now. I am so happy we did the big party for his first birthday. First birthdays are a huge deal, and yes, I do feel it is important for the parents to celebrate surviving that first year. This one though was really all about Ben. He got to spend time with the people he loves (both here and in Arkansas). He got some gifts he really enjoys. And he got to participate in some of his favorite activities. My heart was so full seeing how happy he was at his party. His joy is what his birthday should be all about.
I still get to help with the tape.
Checking out his new computer
Right away he let Omi share his new toys
Surveying his loot. 🙂
Loving the clubhouse!
Watching Mickey with Meo and Omi
The Mickey Balloon!
I love this picture, he looks so happy!
After we sang he jabbed his finger into the cake. His birthday, his rules. 😉
Best birthday yet!!
Last couple of things. The Mickey balloon is still alive and well. It is about as big as Ben is. He adores it. He hugs it, tries to feed it, just in general thinks it’s the best thing ever. Dagger, on the other hand, abhors the balloon. She is seriously terrified of it. She will not come downstairs while it is out. We have to close it in the bathroom when Ben is asleep or we aren’t home so she will come downstairs. It’s actually kind of funny.
Ben actually ate his cake at this party! It took him a few minutes to settle down to eat, but once he got a bite he went to town. No, cake will not often be on the menu around the Cartwright house, but for birthdays it is okay.
I want to say a great big thank you to everyone who made Ben’s second birthday so great. Thank you to Gramma, Grampa, Aunt Lindsay, Uncle Chris, Charlotte, Joe, and Ella for giving Ben a great birthday in Arkansas. Thank you to everyone who sent gifts and cards to Ben, we really do appreciate it. Thank you to Meo and Omi for coming to Ben’s party, bringing the balloon, and celebrating with us. And a special thank you to Auntie Laura for always being such a great friend and loving my son so much. My heart is so full thinking about the love and happiness shared with my sweet boy, and that is really what is most important when celebrating a birthday.