Toddler Learning Activities
Toddlers are busy. They are learning at such a fast pace, it can be hard to keep up! And personally, I have found if I don’t find ways to channel this inquisitiveness it can end up with less than stellar results.
So I try my best to come up with fun learning activities for my kids. Toddler activities can be so fast and easy to set up. And there are so many fun topics to teach your child about! Fine motor skills, color sorting, hand-eye coordination skills, scavenger hunts, number practice. The ideas are endless!
What's In This Post?
Toddler Learning Activities
This activity can work for your one year old on up to 5 year olds. (I know because I’ve done it with these ages. My preschooler still says it is fun) It is an easy activity that really works gross motor skills.
More than that it works on problem-solving, perseverance, teamwork, and it inspires creativity. This learning activity for toddlers is a great one for when you have a toddler and a baby too. Your toddler can rescue toys for their younger sibling!
Laundry Basket Rescue Mission
This sounds like a silly activity, but trust me, it works. The best toddler games have an element of silly anyway. It is a simple set up, but this activity keeps my toddlers busy for a good chunk of time.
Here is how to create a rescue toddler learning activity your child will love.
You Need:
- Laundry Basket
- Yarn or String
- Stuffed Toys
The Set Up:
Take a laundry basket and fill it with stuffed toys. I prefer to use toys of all different sizes. You can toss in little blankets, burp cloths, and other smaller toys to help fill it out too.
Take the yarn and tie pieces of it across the basket. Yep, tie it to one side and then pull it across and tie it to the other. Do this over and over until you have a latticework of yarn over the top of the toys. (Almost like a spider web over the top.)
The Rescue:
Set the basket out and have your toddler rescue the toys! They need to use all the skills we mentioned to maneuver the yarn and the toys to get them to freedom.
I let my kids use teamwork on this, but it is great if you can set up one per child. It is a really easy set up, but it did take me about 15 minutes to put together. I recommend putting it together the night before you want to use it, or during a nap time.
More Activities To Come!
I hope this can a resource of activities for toddler parents. To start, here are some fun learning activities for you to do with your kids.
Sensory STEM for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Rainbow Rice and Other Colorful Sensory Bin Ideas
Simple and Fun Learning Activities using Paper Plates
STEM Activities to Learn About Colors
Number Sense Learning Activities