Sensory science projects for toddlers and preschoolers.

Kids of all ages love science projects. Even toddlers.
Yep, you can start teaching STEM to your kids as young as you want.
Toddlers love to explore the world around them. And honestly, this is one of the easiest times to start science activities. You really don’t have to explain much.
The goal is simple observation and experience. One-year-olds, two-year-olds, three-year-olds, and up all love to dig in, get messy, and explore.
This makes sensory play for toddlers and preschoolers perfect. As a mom, I like to keep things simple and without a giant mess. Oh, and bonus if my preschooler can get in on the fun too. All this can be done.
Here are 5 simple sensory STEM projects for toddlers and preschoolers.
What's In This Post?
Sensory STEM For Toddlers and Preschoolers
Sensory activities are so important for brain development. And they are fun! Let’s try some simple sensory projects that teach science concepts as well.
(Learn why sensory activities matter so much—> The Big Benefits of Sensory Play and No-Prep Activities to Try Right Now!)

Oobleck Ingredients:
- Cornstarch
- Water
How To Make Oobleck :
The main formula for this is one part water to two parts cornstarch.
So, for example, you want to mix one cup of water with two cups of cornstarch. Exact measurements aren’t needed for this activity, the important part is to start with the water in a dish and add the cornstarch to it.
(Starting with the cornstarch and adding water makes the desired consistency harder to achieve.) What you are looking for a material that feels solid when you push down on it suddenly, but you can drag your fingers through it like a liquid.
What you have made is a non-newtonian liquid.
It is fun for children to feel with their hands. You can take plastic toys and make them walk across the surface, then place them on top and watch them slowly sink like they are in quicksand.
Add some art to this project and use some food coloring to dye the oobleck. You can use it as a finger paint as you spread it on paper and watch the liquid evaporate leaving the solid behind.
More Sensory Activities To Try
Lava Lamp Bottles

Lava Lamp Sensory Bottle Supplies:
- An empty water bottle
- Water
- Oil
- Food Coloring
How To Make a Simple Sensory Bottle:
Fill the water bottle about 2/3 of the way with water and add the food coloring of your choice. Add oil, leaving some headspace at the top of the bottle.
I used vegetable oil because that is what I had handy. You can use any cooking oil or baby oil, just choose one that will stay liquid at room temperatures.
If you want to make it fancy you can add some glitter or small plastic balls or toys.
Use some glue or tape to seal the bottle. It isn’t toxic by any means, but it will cause a big old mess if it opens up.
Hand it over to your child and let them explore! They are learning how liquids interact with each other and observing wave properties.
These bottles can double as a calm down technique as well.
Shaving Cream Snow

Shaving Cream Snow Supplies:
- Large ziplock baggie
- Gel shaving cream
- Tape
How To Make Shaving Cream Snow:
Squirt some shaving gel into a large ziplock. Make sure it is well sealed. Tape it to the table and then let your child squish it!
They will see the reaction of the gel turning into foam and be able to squish it around. You can add small items such as buttons for your child to push around as well. Older children can practice writing numbers and letters in the foam.
2-Ingredient Snow

2-Ingredient Snow Supplies:
- Baking soda
- Conditioner
How To Make Simple Snow:
Mix 3 cups of baking soda with 1/2 cup of conditioner to create a soft, chilly, snow-like substance.
Your child can squish it and shape it. Add some cookie cutters to help create even more shapes. A white conditioner will make it seem more snow like, but you can use any color and achieve the same substance. (And don’t worry, the cheap stuff works great for this!)
This creates an endothermic reaction, meaning it feels cool to the touch. Smoosh, shape, and enjoy.
(Check out how we turned this into an amazing Rainbow Snow Experience!)
Sink or Float

Sink or Float Supplies:
- A big container of water
- Objects to test
How To Set Up Sink or Float Experiments:
Introduce different household items. Things like sponges, spoons, wooden spoons, bath toys, really anything at all.
Toddlers are gathering information all the time just by observing what is going on in the world around them. This information gives them their baseline for predicting future outcomes.
For example, they really don’t know if a wooden spoon will float or sink. It is big and heavy to them, but does that matter?
might be surprised by the outcome of different objects too. Try an apple, what do you think will happen?

These are fun and so easy to put together. So far my kids have enjoyed them from ages one to four, and ask to do them over and over.
The most important part of all of them? To just let your child explore and enjoy! No pressure, just fun. Happy Sciencing!

Share more Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Activities with your little ones and build learning skills!

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Friday 7th of September 2018
One, I love this series! I'm doing some research to create a similar series for work (I work with kids at a public library), and I'm getting some great ideas and pointers here - this series is so well done. Two is it just me, or do these kids have some AMAZING fine skills! Keep up the great work, both kids and creators!
Monday 13th of August 2018
Awesome! Exactly what i have been looking for. It can be difficult thinking of things to entertain my two year old, she soaks up everything I show her and knows it straight away, then she gets bored of the task like "I already know that Mum.... NEXT!" Lol! You are fabulous, please keep putting ideas on here, it is truly helping mums who need them! Kylie
Thursday 15th of March 2018
The sharing cream snow seems like a lot of fun thank you for sharing such great activities ?