Welcome to Team Cartwright! I’m Kim, and I am so happy you are here! Looking to get in touch with me? Click here: Contact Me
What's In This Post?
What is Team Cartwright?
Team Cartwright is all about life with twins plus one, STEM activities with kids, and dealing with all the challenges that parenting brings. Here’s the thing. Parenting isn’t about being perfect, and it certainly isn’t pretty all the time. It’s about being practical and finding real, workable solutions that are right for your family. I’m not into the frills, I’m into getting things done. If you feel the same you are in the right place!
How Can I Help You?
My biggest goal is to help my fellow moms. How can we solve problems? How can we achieve our parenting goals? They say it takes a village and that is what I am all about.
Twin Life and Parenting
Having twins is more than just doing everything twice. You have two unique children, but the special challenge of having them go through stages side by side. I love to share my twin tips and hacks, and just our real-life experiences. Everything from how do you breastfeed twins to how in the world do you get your twins to stop fighting, I want to help.
I am also fortunate because I have a singleton. Twins, singleton, some parenting issues are universal. From sleep issues to breastfeeding, tantrums to picky eating, I want to share our struggles and how we overcome them.
STEM and Learning Activities
I am passionate about STEM and learning activities! And I love to come up with easy learning activities for you to do with your kids!
There are all levels here, from fast and easy to some that are a bit more involved. More than just activities you can find the why behind what we do with kids. Why do toddlers need to learn shapes? How does number sense help with future math skills? I always give you the science behind the STEM activities too. Kids love to know why, and you can help them find the answers!
A Bit About Me…
Let me share a bit about myself.
Here’s the short version of my experience.
Between college, grad school, and working in the industry, I have 11 years of chemistry experience. In the lab, being a teaching assistant, learning the science.
I also have almost 15 years of bookkeeping/accounting experience. Working as a part-time bookkeeper, full-time accountant, and now running my own bookkeeping business.
I have also been a tutor in math, science, ACT, and SAT for 8 years. All part-time, but I love helping people learn.
I am also an educator, working with students from kindergarten through eighth grade. I have spent the past few years in the classroom teaching and substitute teaching.
On the parenting front, I have been a mom for 10 years, a twin mom for over 8 years. I think in mom years that adds up to about 26 years of parenting, right? 😉
Here’s my personal story.
I have to say if you had asked me when I was in high school where I saw my life going, well, it would look nothing like it does now. I wasn’t going to get married, and I didn’t want kids. I was going to dedicate my life to my science. That isn’t exactly how things worked out.
I did graduate college with a degree in chemistry, and I spent several years working in the pharmaceutical industry. After I married my love, Pat, I switched gears and ended up in the family business as an accountant and bookkeeper. (Something I swore I would never do.) It isn’t where I saw life going, but it worked out for our goals to raise our family.
My family is my world. My son Ben joined us in 2013. A few years later we decided to go for one more and were doubly blessed with our identical twin daughters Ali and Sammy in 2016. Six months after they were born Pat got a great job opportunity, so we up and moved from the midwest to the southwest. Talk about a stressful time! But we made it through and are loving our lives here. (Okay, I am still not into the heat. I miss snow!!)
Now I run my bookkeeping business while taking care of my sweet kiddos. I’ve been a working mom, a stay at home mom, and a work at home mom. I am using all the skills I have gathered over the years- organization, problem-solving, research, observation, creative questioning, perseverance, and more- to give my all to my wonderful children.
The scientist in me makes me want to learn as much as possible, the accountant in me makes me want to watch the bottom line, and the mom in me wants me to love and laugh as much as possible.
That’s me. Now I want to know more about you! Where are you at in this crazy parenting journey? Have a topic you need some help on? Are you looking for fun STEM projects to do with your kids? I’d love to help. You can email me with any questions or comments at [email protected].
You can also follow TC to get even more tips, activities, and a glance into the shenanigans of this busy family.
I can’t wait to hear from you. Welcome to Team Cartwright!

Here are some other places you can find me!