It’s a trade day! The ladies of the Babywise Friendly Blog Network are swapping blogs on all sorts of topics today. I am over at Twinning Babywise talking about baby led weaning and how having twins impacts using that method.
Here I have Emily from The Journey of Parenthood! We recently switched Ben from his crib to his big boy bed. So far he is following the rules and doing a great job. But I am already looking down the road at when the girls switch beds. Emily has gone through the transition with three kids and has some great tips to make the change easier!
- Build Up the Big Kid Bed: This is my #1 tip about switching from the crib to a bed. TALK IT UP people! Make it a HUGE deal! If you have a new baby on the way also talk about how the crib will be for the new baby and how special it is that he or she is going be a big brother/sister etc. Get them excited for their new bed and they will LOVE it!
- Have Consistent Discipline: This is something you need to have in place prior to the transition. If you’ve been slacking a bit on a consistent discipline routine then get back on it and make sure your child knows that if they disobey Mommy or Daddy then there are consequences and make sure they know you will follow through with those consequences!
- Lay Down the Rules: Decide with your spouse what rules you want to enforce with the new bed and then communicate those to your child. No standing, no jumping, no getting out of bed etc. Give then clear expectations and explain the consequences if they choose to disobey.
- Clear the Room: Remove temptations! Make sure there aren’t toys on the floor where your child will be tempted to get out of the bed and get them. Have a clean room so it’s rather boring for them! Set them up for success!
- Keep Things Similar: Your child is comfortable in their crib so you want to shadow that experience as much as possible. If they are used to white noise, keep it. Black out curtains? Keep em. If they sleep with a lovey, be sure to bring him along for the big switch too!
- Watch and Respond: A video monitor is so crucial for this transition. You want to be able to watch your child like a hawk and RUN into their room the second they step foot out of the bed. You want to catch them in the act so they will understand they aren’t supposed to get out. If they are out and playing and then you get onto them later they will not make the connection as well as if you get onto them the instant they step foot out of the bed.
- Be Stern, Be Firm, Follow Through: When the toddler gets out of the bed be firm with them in reminding them of the rules. Remind them also of the discipline action you will take if they choose to get out of the bed again. Then it’s so important to actually follow through. I like to give that one time of me just getting onto my child so they understand fully what I’m expecting and what will happen if THEY choose to disobey. Then the second time? I follow through with the disciplinary action.
- Praise: Just as you built up the big kid bed, you gotta keep the excitement going! When they have stayed in the bed and it’s time to get up SHOWER them with praise! Make them feel like the biggest big kid ever!