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Day with Daddy!

This Sunday was a busy day that kept me out of the house from about 7:30am til 6pm.  The first activity was church, which Pat and Ben also attended.  But after that I was off and they were on their own.  I think this was the first full day with Pat alone on Daddy duty!  It isn’t that he tries to avoid taking care of Ben, but we both love Ben and spending time with him.  And really, things just work out that Ben is usually with just me or both Pat and I.

My day was good.  I had the typical strange sensation of missing something.  I enjoyed the odd lightness of just carrying around my purse.  But at the end of the day I was so excited to get home and see my boys.  They were eating dinner when I got home, and Ben had the biggest smile on his face. The one good part of having to be apart from him is that smile when I get home.

I sat down with them, got all ready and asked, “How was it?”  Pat’s answer?  “Good.”  Yep, hours apart and that is the summary.  Good.  I mean, that is way better than “bad” or “worst day ever” or “Thank goodness you are finally home.”  But still, good?  Next time I’m going to make Pat take notes.  😉


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