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Friday Family Update {April 7}

We have been busy around here!  Ben has been super in to helping me in the kitchen.  The girls hit a big shopping milestone.  And we have been getting outside to play every chance we can.
Ben decided we needed to bake a cake a couple of weeks ago.  It doesn’t take much to convince me to bake something yummy, so we went for it.  Ben was such a great helper!  He is getting pretty good at measuring, cracking eggs, and stirring up the batter.  My favorite part is how much he is learning.  His favorite part is licking the bowl when we are done.  I handle the oven part, but Ben likes to keep checking in on his pans.  This time he decided he wanted a dinosaur space cake.  I just love his creativity!  It challenges me a bit, but we found a way to make it happen.  A couple of toy dinosaurs and some marshmallow stars and we were in business!

Baking buddies!
The best part- licking the bowl.
He was so proud of his cake!  I love the pride in a job well done.  Dinosaur space cake!

While we were baking Sammy decided to take up the study of medicine.  I’m glad she has a career path in mind.


Dr. Sammy.  She puts the stethoscope around her neck herself!

Ali has been all about the books!  I have a couple little readers on my hands and I love it!

Ali loves to share her books!
 Ali and Sammy took a break from their studies for an important occasion- their first shoe shopping trip!  The ladies are standing and starting to take their first steps.  I can’t wait for them to be able to play outside with us, and that means they need shoes.  I can honestly say I had way more fun with this than they did.  They enjoyed themselves, but they are still a bit too young to get how fun new shoes are.  I loved checking out all the cute styles!  I do have to keep our budget in mind, so I didn’t go nuts.  Flip flops and super cute high tops for these girls.  Not fancy, but they can pull them off in any situation. This little outing has me so excited for all the future shopping expeditions the three of us will hopefully have!


Pretty girls with pretty shoes.  They did like looking at their feet!
Look at those standing babies in shoes!
Rocking the high tops.

The girls got new shoes, and Ben got a haircut!  My kiddos are looking good.  I just love these pictures because Ben pretended to drink coffee right out of the carafe and said he was ‘just like mommy.’  Now, I don’t actually drink it from the pot, but I do have a strong love of coffee.  The kid knows me.

Ben’s impression of me.  Sadly not too far off.
Ben got to sit in the police car, and the sirens and lights really work!  He was so excited.  I kind of want to get my hair cut in a police car.


Who wouldn’t want to get their haircut in a police car?
It is already hot here.  I know a lot of people are still waiting for their warm weather to arrive.  I am not a big fan of heat.  I prefer to hide inside.  But, well, the kids need to get out and play.  This means we do a lot of water play!  Nothing beats the heat like getting soaking wet.  I can’t wait til the girls can play in the water with us!  Ben adores playing outside, so we spend a lot of time this way.



This kid just loves water!
A cake, new shoes, a haircut, and water play.  What could be better?


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