This past weekend we took Ben hiking. Okay, hiking is a very generous term for what we did. We went to a local state park that has paved paths, and we took the stroller for Ben. I suppose instead of hiking it could just be a fancy walk. Either way, it was a lot of fun. The day was beautiful, and fortunately for us the park was not at all crowded. We actually took a good chunk of the morning to have this family time. I think Ben is getting closer to going to just one nap a day. Of course I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, Yay! No more scheduling around two naps! More time to have fun activities! On the other- hmmm, what am I going to do with him all morning? I know that sounds terrible, but I will have to figure out new activities and revamp our schedule a bit. This hike was a trial run at completely skipping the morning nap and seeing how he did.
Ben did pretty well! He had a lot of fun on our hike. He took his afternoon nap just fine as well. I think for now we can definitely skip the morning nap for an activity, but I don’t think Ben is ready for it to be an every day thing. I know for sure I’m not. 😉
As I said, Ben loved being out in nature. He quickly got into full on boy mode, grabbing sticks and trying to do everything Daddy did. Pat loves wandering around nature, so both of them were in their element. I was happy just spending time with them and taking pictures.