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I don’t have to. I get to.

I wrote this post last year.  It was my theme for the year and it is one I’m not going to let go of.  When you hit on something good you keep it up, right?

A life goal I have is to always be growing as a person and working towards more.  What that more is changes from time to time, but overall it is about being the best me I can be.

This mindset helped me tremendously this past year.  Two-year-old twins plus a singleton kept me very busy.  I worked hard to grow my business.  We are still building our village here in our new state.  And there is still just all the day to day life stuff we all have to deal with.

It’s easy to get stressed out, feel defeated, and just feel left behind by life.  This phrase brought me back to reality.  I am doing my best, and I am blessed with all I have.  

So I am working on my phrase for 2019, but I am not letting go of this one.  I don’t have to.  

I get to.


The best phrase to have a positive mindset? It is so simple, but it makes a big difference. I get to. #MomMantra #WordOfTheYear #PositiveParenting #NewMomTips #TwinMom

I have a simple way to make life easier, just three little words. I get to. #positive #parenting #mom #attitude #destress

I Get To

Three little words, but they can make a big difference.  Look, life is busy, this isn’t going to change anytime soon.  A lot of what we have to do in life are things that, well, we probably don’t necessarily want to do.

I’m sure right now you can think of something you have to do tomorrow that you don’t want to.  Momming alone gives a laundry list of activities that need to be done that I wouldn’t mind not doing.  Making lunches, changing diapers, heck the actual literal laundry.

Then try to fit in everything else that we women are told we need to do just to be considered humans.

Anyone else get tired just thinking about it?

I can’t change my to-do list.  Well, I suppose I could.  I could just not do things, but that doesn’t really solve the problem, does it?  Things still need to be done.

But what can change is my mindset.  I don’t have to look at the daily tasks as things I have to do.  They are things I get to do.

Every mom knows the mental load that loads women, especially mothers, down. It is a challenge to get through the to-do lists. My goal was to turn around my mindset, make my challenges my blessings. One little phrase made that possible. #MomTips #MentalLoad #Motherhood #NewMom #NewbornLife #PositiveParenting

Yes, that little change in thinking is all it takes.

I get to clean up after my kids.  They are here with me, and while they make messes I wouldn’t want them to be anywhere else.

I get to comfort them when they cry out at night.  Isn’t it a blessing that I can be with them and calm their fears?

I get to work hard for my family.  Being able to care for my family is the greatest blessing in the world, and every act of service I do for them is a reminder that I am fortunate enough to love them.

I know, it is a bit saccharine.  But think about it.  When you are looking forward to something, like a trip or a night out, people tend to phrase it as ‘I get to.’  If it is something they don’t want to do you hear ‘I have to.’

Which one would you rather frame your day with?  I’d rather focus on what I get to do.

So this year, my goal is to change my mindset and remember that I get to do everything on my to-do list.  I get to be there for my kids and my husband.  I get to work hard, and I get to serve my family.

It’s a little thing, but it really changes my perspective and gives me more joy in everyday tasks.  I get to do this life thing as best as I can.

I’m going to challenge you as well.  Try it out.  Think of one thing you do not want to do.  Something you dread having to do.  Now say to yourself, ‘I get to            .’

Did it feel any better?  Okay, maybe not right away, but keep trying.  What’s the harm, right?  But I think you will find that these three little words can make all the difference for you too.

This year is going to be great because I get to.

Looking for more ways to be intentional this year?  Check these out!

Intentional Parenting: How our beliefs and goals shape our parenting decisions

How To Stay Mindful While Getting Twin Attention

Ask and Tell: Giving our kids the power to make good decisions

Motherhood comes with a large mental load. It is one that can't be denied, but unfortunately one we can't just walk away from. Because of this I found a way to change my mindset, to turn the drudgery into a blessing. Learn the simple phrase to turn your mind around and embrace all you have. #MomMantra #WordOfTheYear #PositiveParenting #MomTips #MentalLoad




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Lori | Choosing Wisdom

Thursday 18th of January 2018

What a powerful phrase to create a real mind-shift! "I get to" has so much more of a positive message to send our brain! Great way to start the new year - Keep up the great work!

Michele Triple

Wednesday 17th of January 2018

Those three words really can change your outlook on so many things! It's a great phrase to keep in the forefront of my mind. Thanks for the suggestions!

Thanks for joining #WanderingWednesday at Confessions of Parenting!


Monday 15th of January 2018

It's so true that a little change in perspectuve can make such a difference! Same situation but with a different focus cam chamge drudgery into fun. I hope your plans to focus on "I get to" helps make a fantastic year for you.


Tuesday 9th of January 2018

I love this!!


Thursday 11th of January 2018

I'm so glad! So far it is helping me so much. I hope it does the same for others!

Holly Cartwright

Monday 8th of January 2018

What a great outlook!!! We are all blessed in so many ways but human nature has a way of focusing on the negative instead of the positive. I think this is a great way to turn around that mindset. I'm going to try to adopt that phrase as well. I face so many restrictions with regards to my health, and sometimes just getting out and about and "participating" can be a chore, but thank you, Kim, for reminding me that I GET TO do it with the help of oxygen and the support of my family. There are so many that are worse off than I, so the fact that I GET TO is a blessing in itself. Thank you for your insightfulness.


Thursday 11th of January 2018

It is helping me so much. Just loading everyone up to get to the store can seem like an annoyance. But I get to travel safely with the kids, I get to teach them how to behave in public, I get to meet our needs. It really makes things seem like more fun. I hope I can keep this up all year!

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