All peace and quiet is ending. Well, what peace and quiet one can expect with a baby in the house. Ben has started inching forward. He has been moving and scooting for some time. He has been spinning and backing up. For a baby who didn’t crawl, he was really able to get around. But it was never really forward, or with any real intentional direction. He would spin and wiggle and end up somewhere other than where he started. He’s been doing his planks, and just started getting his knees under himself without falling right away. But nothing that would really be defined as crawling.
Until today. Okay, it still isn’t crawling as much as impersonating an inch worm, but he is moving forward with intention!!! I am so excited for him! Oh, I am worried too. I mean, it was so nice when I could put him somewhere and he would stay put. Now there are so many more things to worry about. But there are so many more things to explore with Ben!! I am really excited and can’t wait to see what else he gets into!
Here are the videos of Ben inching his way along: video 1, video 2, video 3.