This is sort of an anniversary for my little blog. Well, anniversary isn’t technically correct, as it isn’t a by year thing. But it’s close enough. I started this blog when Ben turned six months old. Up to that point I emailed and used facebook to help family keep up with Ben and so they could see pictures of him. Starting solid foods is a time of a lot of great pictures. I mean, babies are so cute with messy food faces! I started blogging to have a place where people could see pictures and I could tell the stories of what Ben was doing. Well here we are over two years later, and my daughters are about to start solid foods. I didn’t know when I started if I would be able to keep up blogging, and I am so happy that I have kept our narrative going. I love having a place to share pictures and family stories, and I love having a place to share my thoughts. I have to say a lot has changed since I started this blog. I mean, when we began we had one six month old. Now I have an almost three year old and two six month olds. Crazy. And those two six month olds are about to start eating solid foods! How did this past six months go by so fast? How did the years go so fast? I know, everyone says that. It is so true though.
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So here we are, ready to start solids with two new eaters. This milestone is totally making me feel like a seasoned mom. When Ben was five months old I remember researching so much about starting solids. I wanted to give him the best start I could. In all my research I found Baby-Led Weaning (BLW). It was exactly what I was looking for. I wrote all about it in this post. Seriously, I put in a lot of time deciding how to go about this step. With the girls I honestly thought, “Oh shoot, they’re going to be six months, that means I have to feed them. Can’t we just nurse forever?” And this was just a week or so ago. Second child problems, right? At least I am confident in what to do this time around. BLW.
It worked out so well for us! I was so happy with how Ben started eating solid foods. He is still a typical two year old about food and kind of picky, so BLW didn’t solve that or anything. But he feeds himself well and we’ve been able to eat meals as a family, without spoon feeding him. I knew from the start I didn’t want to have to spoon feed two babies. That would take forever! I also really like giving my babies real food that I can make myself. It is cheaper and easier. Plus I enjoy cooking and preparing food for my family, so it is fun for me to make things for the babies to eat. So despite my, what could probably be described as laziness about this next step, I am going to start my girls on solids. BLW style.
We’re going to take it slow and let the girls obviously lead the way on this one. I’ll offer them food and they can eat it or not. It’s going to be interesting to see what they like. It’s going to be fun to watch them explore this new world of food. It’s going to be messy. Oh, so very messy. (That is probably my least favorite part.) We are starting in the next few days. (I do love the first food milestone. A first I can control and plan for? One I can be sure to have the camera ready for? Score!)
Be ready, the food pictures are coming.
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Time to EAT! |
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