This Thursday I am thankful for the library. I mean both the libraries I go to and libraries in general. The ones I go to are great. The staff is friendly and helpful. I love how they have it set up. The new releases are in a separate section. Our library also keeps new releases of movies pulled out so you can find them faster. I love that we can check out movies, video games, cds, and of course books to enjoy for free! I am loving finding new children’s books for Ben. (Team Cartwright is super into Mo Willems and Melanie Watts right.)
The library has great programs for kids. Ben and I go to Baby Goose throughout the year. We sing songs and play little games. It is wonderful. They have programs for kids of all ages, and most of them are completely free! I took a class there on how to make toys from recycled materials this spring. I have already made several for Ben and he loves them.
Overall I feel so lucky to have access to such a great library. As a big reader, being able to get plenty of books for free is a huge deal. So today I am thankful for libraries. It is a little thing, but Team Cartwright really gets a lot out of them
No new pictures, but here is Ben from a past library visit. He looks so scholarly!