We all have strange little habits we only do when we are alone. Or at least when we think we are alone. One of mine is that I do squats while I brush my teeth. So, now it is no longer a strange secret behavior, it is a strange habit that everyone knows about. I know, I think it is a little weird too. But when you are super busy you have to squeeze in fitness when you can. The thing is, I really do only do it when I’m alone. Of course in the mornings I am rarely alone, I have Ben with me. Most mornings Ben is either running around the bedroom like a crazy person, or trapped in the pack and play if he is getting into too much mischief. I never thought he was paying that much attention to what I was doing. Until Friday, that is. I was brushing my teeth, and doing my squats, when I looked over and saw Ben doing squats right along with me.
I tried to get him on video that morning, but he wasn’t into it. Later in the afternoon he did them again with me! I am happy that he was copying a behavior, that while perhaps a little odd, is at least a healthy one. Time to really take a look at everything I do now that I know my little shadow is watching and imitating me!
You can see Ben doing his squats here. I hope this is a good sign for a life of fitness ahead!