We are very fortunate that the local library has some great children’s programming. There are activities for all age levels, they take place throughout the year, and most of them are free. Currently Ben is only old enough for two, and we go to one of them, Baby Goose! It is a great program run by a former preschool teacher. We sing songs, read books, and recite nursery rhymes. There are fun toys to play with, and we dance to music. All around it is just a fun little time to play with Ben. I love it because Ben and I get to see other babies too. I think it is important for Ben to get to see and interact with other kids. Well, interact as much as he and they can at this age. It is helpful to me to see what other children are up to as well. I know I shouldn’t compare children. They all grow and develop at their own rates. But it is helpful to see what other kids are up to, and it is exciting to see the stages Ben will be approaching. Now Ben isn’t the youngest one there all the time, so it is fun to see the younger babies and think back to when Ben was that little. (I know, it wasn’t really that long ago. But he is just growing and changing so fast!)
Baby Goose gives Ben and I a nice little break in the middle of the week to just enjoy him as a baby. The program gives us great songs to sing, and helps us pick out new books to read. I’ve learned about new games to play with Ben, and how to make simple toys for him. It’s also fun to just hang out with other caregivers and just focus on the babies. Ben seems to really enjoy it too! I love that we have this time to just be together and focus on having fun.
I didn’t take any pictures during the actual program. We were too busy having fun! Oh, and I didn’t want to make the other parents uncomfortable by taking random pictures of their kids. But Ben and I got to the library a little early, so we got a chance to play a bit before Baby Goose started!
There was a real goose ready to play! And yes, I know I am a huge dork for taking a picture of it. 🙂