Lately Ben has been expressing his toddler prerogative and only wanting fruit that is cut into small pieces. He is fully capable of eating large pieces of apples or pears, but he only eats them if they are raisin sized. (This does not hold true for strawberries. Strawberries are amazing and will be eaten in any way, shape, or form.)
Well, today at lunch I was cutting up the apple Ben and I share into small pieces for him to eat. He reached down and grabbed half the apple I hadn’t started cutting yet. I thought he would play with it, then put it down. Okay, I thought he would play with it and then throw it, but putting it down sounds better. Oh, no, this didn’t happen. Ben bit right in and starting eating. He went at that apple with gusto and finished the whole half! He also ate most of his little pieces too. I knew eventually that we wouldn’t be able to share apples, Ben would want more. I didn’t think it would happen so soon!