Despite our busy life change, Ben managed to have a pretty good birthday. We didn’t do a big party. I do of course have some mom guilt about that. But really Ben did not seem to mind in the slightest. What was most important to him was having fun and eating cake. We accomplished those things and then some!
We ended up do three little celebrations for Ben. The first was a couple of weeks before his actual birthday. Meo and Omi wanted to celebrate with him. We took advantage of Aunt Gail and Uncle Dan’s pool to swim and play! Ben wanted a Toy Story cake and we delivered. Through in a couple of gifts and some cartoons and Ben was a happy kid.
We always have balloons to play with at Ben’s birthdays.
New robot toy!
I think the cake looked great! Ben loved it and still plays with the toys on top.
Ben’s actual birthday was on a weekday after Meo and Omi had headed home. We couldn’t pass up a little celebration though. It was just the five of us. Ben and Pat went swimming, then we enjoyed some cupcakes and another little gift. I think it makes sense not to go all out on birthdays when they are on week days. I mean, I love birthdays but life still has to take place. We made sure to acknowledge the day and add some special touches for Ben, which was perfect.
Woody was happy to have his loyal pal. 🙂
Cupcakes, a candle, and singing. All made for a happy Ben.
The weekend after Ben’s birthday we had his final party. A great thing about moving here is that he has cousins in the area! My cousin Evan lives here with his wife Jessee and their kids Peyton and Benson. Peyton is four and Benson is almost 2. You can bet we are going to have a blast with all five of the kids running around together. They came over to swim and have some fun with us for Ben’s birthday! (We didn’t think Aunt Gail and Uncle Dan would mind us hosting a birthday party at their house since the guest list was just their son, daughter-in-law, and grandkids. 😉 )
The kids all had a great time swimming and running around together. I think Benson and Ben are going to be great friends growing up together. They both got a kick out of literally just running around. Ali and Sammy already adore Peyton. It is amazing how they can tell she is the ‘big girl’ and therefore super cool. Peyton loved them too, which was so sweet to watch.
Benson and Peyton! They are so sweet and fun.
Peyton was great with her baby cousins. They loved watching her.
Fueling up after swimming
They were so sweet and brought gifts! Ben is a lucky boy.
Aren’t they so cute watching Mickey together? Friends already.
The bubble gun was a huge hit! Thanks you guys!
So while we didn’t have a big blow out, I think we celebrated Ben’s birthday in style. He was so happy to get way too many sweets, what with cake and cupcakes on three days. Plus he really enjoyed us singing to him this year, which I loved. He got into the idea of blowing out the candle and really enjoyed opening his gifts. It is so much fun to see him get into birthday traditions and understand more and more what is going on with each passing year.
Three years old!
I am so blessed to be Ben’s mom. Every stage with him is better than the last. He has brought us such happiness over the past three years, and I can’t wait to see what this next year has for us. Thanks for being you, Benjamin. My amazing, sweet, funny, smart, kind, silly boy. I love you more than you will ever know.