Day two of BFBN week! Yesterday we learned a lot of the basic myths about babywise. Today Katrina from Mama’s Organized Chaos is talking about how babywise isn’t forcing a schedule, it is figuring out what works best for your baby.
Katrina writes, “I had been researching how often I should expect to feed my baby throughout the day and night. I am one of those Type A people that love to be as prepared as possible for things. While I knew I couldn’t possibly know anything exact, I wanted a ballpark number to keep in mind- a goal. When I saw the idea of scheduled feedings, I was fascinated. I know that I personally thrive on schedules and knowing what is expected of me, and that my students also did the same, when I was teaching high school. I had a feeling that babies would also love the idea, and I really wanted to give it a shot.”
Check out the rest of her post!
Babywise isn’t imposing a schedule; it is learning the ideal schedule.
Here is the rest of the schedule for the week. Be sure to check back to read more!
- Monday: Valerie at Chronicles of a Babywise Mom talking about the Myths versus Realities of Babywise.
- Tuesday: Katrina at Mama’s Organized Chaos talking about how Babywise isn’t imposing a schedule; it is learning the ideal schedule.
- Wednesday: Shea at The Moses Home talking about How Schedules Keep Us Flexible, Not Rigid. Natasha at Let’s Be Brave is talking about how Babywise works for you (not the other way around)
- Thursday: Carrie at Wiley Adventures is talking about how Babywise and Cry It Out (Or Don’t) Kimberly at Team Cartwright will be discussing Myth: Babywise Automatically Diminishes Milk Supply
- Friday: Cole at Twinning Babywise talking about how Haters Miss the Point: Babywise is More Than Just Sleep
- . Emily at The Journey of Parenthood talking about How to Make Babywise Possible with Multiple Children