Alright, up north the weather is going crazy. First it’s warm, then it’s snowy again. Around March you start to get a little antsy with all the indoor time. I am used to that battle. I can’t really complain about the weather, but we haven’t been getting out of the house as much here either. The girls are super into crawling and cruising, but not yet walking. They also still like to put most things in their mouth. When we are out they need to stay in the stroller and that is starting to drive these busy ladies crazy. Ben needs to move move move, so we needed to find a way to make all three kids happy.

No invitation needed- these two crawling right in! |
Ben loves boxes of all sizes. |
So happy!! |
It’s a fort, it’s a spaceship, it’s a boat. Seriously, a great toy for imaginative play. |
Days later, still loving the boxes. |
One happy lady. |
Ben made all sorts of arrangements with the boxes. We had towers, forts, and castles. One box was a spaceship then later a boat. The girls got exiled to jail while Ben was a cowboy. Fortunately Ali and Sammy were so happy to be in a box they didn’t mind serving their time.
When Daddy was home you can bet he got recruited to play box too.
Pat had to hold the girls back to let Ben build. He had plans! |
Peek a boo! |
Escape! Ben found a place to get away from it all. Well, mainly away from little sisters. 😉 |
These girls felt like big kids playing like big brother. |
So much love in one box! |
And yes, the boxes got some use even after the kids went to bed.
Happy kitty in her box. |
It is crazy that the simplest things can make kids the happiest. We will keep pulling these boxes out every few weeks until they are destroyed. It is the best way to spend an afternoon or evening. I love seeing Ben use his imagination, and it warms my heart to see him include his little sisters in the fun. They of course adore that big brother is playing with them.
Seriously, when you get into a rut, when you can’t get outside, when you just want an easy fun thing to do. Boxes. Always boxes.