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When Ignoring is a beneficial discipline tool and Discipline Delay Tactics-BFBN

To wrap up our week on discipline, we have two great posts!
First up is Emily from The Journey of Parenthood.  She is talking about ignoring your kids.  Ha, okay, I am simplifying a lot.  But it is a valid technique.  Kids will act out for attention at times, and sometimes ignoring it is the best way to go.  She writes:
One useful tool I have in my parenting toolbox for discipline is the tool of ignoring. While it’s not my everyday all day go to item, it is one that can be extremely effective if used in the right situation. And it’s not as easy of a discipline method as it may sound. Ignoring a child while they are pitching a fit? Not easy. Ignoring a child who insists they don’t want to meet Mickey Mouse after you’ve stood in line for an hour? Not easy. My husband and I have both been working harder at ignoring when necessary and it really does work so we’re getting better at it 😉 “
Head on over to The Journey of Parenthood to see more!
We also have Cole from Twinning Babywise.  She is talking about discipline delay tactics.  We all want our kids to obey the first time, but we also want to give them chances to make the right choice.  Cole offers up some good suggestions on how to work towards making the right choice the first time.  She writes:
These, among many others, are discipline delay tactics. On the surface, the purpose of these statements is to offer the child a second chance to obey, but in actuality the point is release the parent from the responsibility of disciplining. Discipline isn’t fun for the child or the parent, so they are hoping to avoid it by giving the child more opportunities to obey.
The problem is that delaying discipline is inherently destructive to instilling an understanding of actual obedience.”
Check out Twinning Babywise to read more! (Unfortunately, Twinning Babywise is no longer available.)
This wraps up this BFBN week!  Check out all the ladies for their wise words on discipline.
Monday: Valerie at Chronicles of a Babywise Mom
TuesdayNatasha at Let’s Be Brave
Wednesday Katrina at Mama’s Organized Chaos 
Thursday: Kimberly at Team Cartwright and Carrie at Wiley Adventures

Friday: Emily at The Journey of Parenthood and Cole at Twinning Babywise

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