We got to Arkansas a few days before Christmas, so we were able to spend the start of our stay just hanging out with everyone! With Ben still taking 2 naps a day, it is hard to get out and do a whole lot. Luckily the kids were pretty pumped to just all play together. Ben’s cousins are the sweetest. They are all so generous with sharing their toys with Ben and love to play with him. Charlotte was Ben’s personal jukebox this trip, singing Patty-Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider practically on demand for him. He of course adored her. Joe had some really great cars and trucks to play with, and was so wonderful about sharing with his little cousin. Ben was so happy that he could run around with his big cousins, he had fun just being with them.
Ben’s great-grandma and great-grandpa were in town for this holiday too! Ben loved getting spoiled by his GiGi and Papa John. It isn’t super exciting to blog about, but seriously just getting to spend time with everyone was a gift. We played with the kids, read stories, and shared time together. The excitement for Christmas was palpable in the kids, and Ben caught on to it as well. I loved getting to do some baking and crafts with the older kids while Ben was spoiled by Gramma and Grampa.
I am so happy I got some fun pictures of the kids. They are all so busy, it is hard to get ‘good’ pictures of them, but the action shots give a more realistic display of our time there. These kids rarely hold still!
They all love to be read to
Getting tickled by Papa John!
Action shot!
Sweet Charlotte, growing too fast!
Ella, striking a pose
Joe, showing us his awesome costume
Play Time!
Being silly
Ben explored the whole house
I taught the kids to make bread!
And here is what happens when you try to take a selfie with a six year old, 2 four year olds, a one year old, and an Aunt Kim who for some reason thought this would work.
Note only 3 out of the 4 kids can be seen in any picture. By the end Ben was pretty over it. The other three kids thought it was pretty fun though. I love these ages where they like to hang out with us and think their Aunt Kim is fun! I was eating it up the whole trip. I am so thankful for these kiddos!