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Football Season

Team Cartwright is super into football.  Okay, Pat is super into football.  I enjoy the occasional game.  I really want my team to win, but I don’t feel that they need me to watch the game in order for that to happen.  Pat on the other hand must watch as many games as possible.  So for the next few months our Sundays will be as full of football as Pat can manage and I will allow.  I am actually pretty in favor of this plan, because it means Pat plays with Ben while I get stuff done around the house.  No, that might not seem ‘fair’ to everyone.  But hey, it works for us.  Plus I do think it is nice that Ben gets to spend time with Pat learning about one of his favorite interests.

Pat enjoys college football too, so in truth for the next few months it isn’t just Sundays that are full of football, it’s pretty much any time Pat can find a game.  At least I have a cute little fan to cheer along with him.

Steelers Touchdown!

I’d like to add that Ben is a Bears fan too.  🙂


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