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How I Breastfed For 12 Months Even When Everything Went Wrong {BFBN Week}

Struggling with breastfeeding? Here is how one mom battled it all to nurse her baby. Nursing issues | breastfeeding struggles #breastfeeding #problems #solutions

When you were expecting your first child and pictured feeding that baby, did you see yourself peacefully holding your baby to your breast and nursing effortlessly?  I think a lot of us did.  Valerie from Chronicles of a Babywise Mom sure did.  She writes:

Breastfeeding didn’t start out anything like I had ever imagined it would. I had idealistic visions. My beautiful little newborn would be brought to the breast and would nurse perfectly. Why wouldn’t the baby do so? Sure, there might be a bump here or there, but I would lightly laugh them away and we would continue forward. Breastfeeding would be easy. Breastfeeding wouldn’t hurt. It was the natural thing to do and the way God designed the body, so of course it would be simple. It would be natural. It would be second nature. It would be a beautiful thing that bonded my baby to me.


 Ummm…reality is different than our dreams. Despite the books all assuring me that breastfeeding would be simple, it was anything but. The boy had NO IDEA what he was doing. As a first time mom, neither did I. He was not a natural and I was not experienced.”

This week the ladies of the BFBN are tackling breastfeeding.  Not the usual things you see about it like tips and stories about how amazing it is to nurse.  These are real stories from real moms.  Sometimes nursing is hard or just doesn’t work.  There are pressures and challenges that aren’t always talked about.  Be sure to check out all the great posts this week.
Tuesday: Christine Keys- This Is Why Breast Is Not Best
Wednesday: Mama’s Organized Chaos- Advantages of Breastfeeding on a Schedule
Thursday: Twin Mom and More- The Realities of Exclusively Pumping

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