Simple and Unique Twin Toddler Birthday Themes.
Ali and Sammy turned two a month ago. (Yes, I am still shocked they are two already!) We decided not to do a big party for them this year. It just didn’t make sense for us to throw a party for what would really just be the five of us. We had fun, just nothing huge. Of course, before we made that decision I had a little fun (or a whole lot of fun) thinking of toddler birthday themes. Twin birthdays are double the fun, and what mom hasn’t sat down on Pinterest and just gone nuts looking at ideas? I started planning twin birthday invitations, and that was really as far as I got before we scrapped the plans. But why waste that research? Twins make everything double the fun. Here are 10 super simple and unique twin toddler birthday themes.
This post is sponsored by Basic Invite. All opinions are my own.
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Twin Toddler Birthday Themes
My ideal themes are cute but flexible. I like the option to go all out, but if life gets in the way it can be cute with minimal effort. I also like the focus to really be on my kids. They are really the theme. So overall I am looking for something cute, customizable, and that won’t take the focus away from my kiddos. These are 10 of my favorite that meet these criteria.
Two Legit To Quit
Alright, there isn’t a ton you can do with this theme beyond having lots of number twos around. It made me happy though. And come on, it is so perfect for twins turning two. Easy and fun.
Dynamic Duo
Twin superheroes! And yes, this is great for girls or boys. How cute are little ones in superhero outfits? You can keep this simple with just the kiddos in superhero gear or totally theme out the whole event pretty easily.
Chugga Chugga Two Two/Chugga Chugga Tu-Tu
Do your twins like trains? Or maybe you have a train lover and a little dancer. Either way, I enjoy a good play on words. This theme is geared towards your child’s specific interests, and it gives guests a hint as to what the birthday kids like for gift purposes.
This is another one that might be more for the adults. But at one or two years old most kids don’t have a ton of defined interests. I feel like this theme lets the adults coming to the party know it is going to be fun for them too, not just the littles. And let’s be real. Surviving another year with twins makes you a total rockstar.
Two for Tea
This is a sweet theme, especially for two little girls. It suggests all things feminine and fun. This theme can be fit both adult tastes and kid tastes pretty well, especially if your twins love to dress up. It’s a good one for light sweets and snacks, making it easier than a full meal party.
Oh Twodles
Did you hear Mickey calling that out as you read it? This one is a bit specific, but my kids have all adored Mickey Mouse, especially when they turned two. This is another easy one in terms of decor. Party City has a bajillion Mickey options making prep a breeze. And I do love a good play on words with the two.
Diggers and Dolls
If you want to do something very kid-focused but a little off the beaten trail, this can be a good one. Construction trucks and baby dolls, something for everyone. You can use your children’s toys for decor with this one as well.
Taco Twosday
Hmmm… I might have just been hungry when I wrote down this idea. But I like it. Taco bar and birthday cake, a perfect combo!
Grow and Build With Us
This theme isn’t as cutesy as some of the others, but what else are toddlers busy doing every day but growing? Little ones might not be able to handle actual legos yet, but grab some mega bloks and you have your decor ready. It also doubles as the fun activity for the little guests!
Two Much Fun
This sums up what having two-year-old twins is all about, right? It is just too much fun. You don’t have to go crazy with a theme to have a good party. The most important thing is they fun anyway, right?
Alright, while you are mulling over themes head over to Basic Invite to get more inspiration from their unique birthday invitations. I may have lost some time playing around with the almost unlimited color options you can use to fully customize your invitations. (Seriously there are almost 200 colors you can work with.) You can also get a printed custom sample before you finalize your order. As someone who may have gotten Ben’s first birthday invitation printed with a wrong date on it, this can be pretty important.
You, of course, get envelopes with these baby birthday invitations and you can choose from over 40 different colors of envelopes. I have some friends who love to super theme out and would love that. Plus Basic Invite has an address capturing service that can let you store them for later. Why would you want to do that? Two words: Christmas cards. I know it seems far far away, but that busy holiday season comes around every year. You can save yourself some work by utilizing this. (Speaking of Christmas cards they have really pretty foil cards too! Fancy stuff.)
A few last things before you start planning your twin’s birthday party. Basic Invite has twin specific baby shower invites. It is so nice to find something just for the twin moms to be to celebrate the special life change ahead of them. And there is a discount code for Team Cartwright readers. You can get 15% off with the code 15FF51.
What have been some of your most successful party themes?
Looking for more on twins? Here are some options!
After the First Year: Surviving One-Year-Old Twins
2-Year-Old Twin Life is Crazy: A Schedule to Tame the Chaos
Twinemies: How to deal when your toddler twins fight
Saturday 3rd of March 2018
We used 2 last year with our twins second birthday. 2 "cakes" coloured lemmingtons arranged as number 2 and 2 colours. I had fun playing around with 2 as a theme.
Mary Leigh
Tuesday 27th of February 2018
These are all great ideas and some that are outight hilarious! I Love the taco Tuesday idea!
Wednesday 28th of February 2018
Taco Twosday is a personal favorite. It's silly, but why take a toddler birthday too seriously? :)
Inez Bayardo
Monday 26th of February 2018
These are so cute! Kind of makes me wish I had twins. haha. We did Oh Twodles for my son's birthday last year. He seriously had the time of his life. It was the cutest thing. I love the Taco Twosday idea! Yum!
Monday 26th of February 2018
These are so cute! I like the super hero one!
Charlotte Jones
Monday 26th of February 2018
There are some hilarious themes here!! We always go dino but this has made me think of some other awesome ideas! And the invites are so cool! Never too early to think about Christmas. :)