As soon as we moved into our new home I did the most important thing you have to do when you move to a new place- got my new library card. 🙂 We’re still getting to know our new library system. It was hard to leave our last one, it was a really great library. We miss our librarian friends and all the great programs and toys they had. The new library is small, but it is a county wide system so I can still get a lot of great reads. Here are some of the books I enjoyed this month. (This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own.)
Okay, this one was not one of my favorites. I think it just isn’t a style I am looking for right now. A couple go on a honeymoon to a tropical island, and yes as the title suggests they find mermaids. The resort company tries to cash in on the mermaids, and the main characters work to stop it. Honestly I found our main characters a bit grating. I understand the author was going for satire and it wasn’t meant to be a warm and fuzzy book. But I quickly got tired of reading the internal judging of the world from the main character and her negative attitudes. I don’t want to say it is a bad book. I always think it is good to read outside of my comfort zone and to think about life from points of views very different from my own. I just could not get behind the skewering of total strangers the narrator did while thinking she is so superior to everyone she met. Plus there is a twist at the end that just didn’t fly with me. Like I said though, it is always good to get outside of the usual reads, so I’m not disappointed I read it. I am just very happy I got it out of the library and didn’t spend money on it.
We Are Unprepared by Meg Little Reilly
A couple, Ash and Pia, move to rural Vermont to live a more ‘real’ life. After they move there a super storm develops that is bigger than anything anyone has ever seen. Ash and Pia approach preparations for it in two different ways. Pia falls in with a group of preppers, while Ash tends to align with the local government more. While they are preparing for the big storm, their marriage starts to fall apart a bit. The story is really one of how their marriage drifts. It feels as though it would have happened anyway, but the storm is a major catalyst that can’t be ignored. Overall I enjoyed reading about how different people prepared for the major disaster. I found it to be realistic and really cover many ways people face this sort of life changing situation. It’s really more about relationships than the disaster. The storm kind of falls into the background. I found it interesting and would recommend it.
Four new books to check out. Okay, three new books and one I didn’t like that much. But that could be just me. As always there are affiliate links in this post, but that doesn’t mean it costs you any extra money if you chose to purchase them. All opinions are my own. I’ve already started a few new books to get ready for October. Maybe I’ll try to find something scary for Halloween…