This weekend Pat and Ben took me out on a date! The plan was to go to Outback. Pat and I love that place, and we had a gift card! When we go out to eat with Ben, we usually go pretty early. It is just better to get in early, not have a long wait, and get Ben home in time for bedtime. Well we left our place at 4:30, but when we got to the restaurant the wait was already an hour! We were not about to stand around and wait for an hour with Ben. That is just not a good game plan with a 1 year old.
Nearby was a different sort of steak option- Steak n Shake! Yes, I know, not really the same thing. But we don’t go there very often because it is a little far to drive for fast food. We had already driven all that way though, so we went for it.
Ben loved it of course. There were so many people to watch! He enjoyed the food as well. We had a great time being silly and eating some tasty food. It wasn’t the steak dinner we thought it would be, but it was a wonderful date night.