Ben had his first swim lesson this weekend!! Oh my goodness, it was so much fun. Pat and I both love to swim, so we are hopeful that Ben will enjoy the water as well. I was pretty sure he would enjoy the pool. He has loved the splash pads, and he enjoys his baths. A pool is very different than a bath tub though. And being fully submerged in water is different from being splashed by it. I was prepared for Ben to hate the pool, but fortunately, he loved it!
We had originally signed up for a water babies class. All little ones ages 6 to 24 months, all with a parent. Unfortunately the time we signed up for didn’t fill up enough. We had the option to switch to a different water babies class, but that one interfered with nap time too much. You know I don’t like messing with Ben’s schedule. We opted to go with the parent and preschool class. It was for ages 2 to 4, but everyone still had a parent with them. Since every kid had their own adult, it didn’t matter at all that Ben was so much younger. If he didn’t like a move, or it was above his level, we just didn’t do it. The class was pretty simple. We sang songs, moved the kids around in the water, and lifted them up and down. The bigger kids practiced some swimming moves. Ben and I did our best, but sometimes we just played around.
We got to the pool a little early to give Ben a chance to look around and be comfortable with his surroundings. They redid the pool this summer, and it is so nice! There is a zero depth entry area, a slide, and a big deep end for swimming laps. There is plenty of deck space and a playground right nearby! We will be spending some more time there for sure. Pat had to tutor in the morning, so he met us there a few minutes after the lesson started. Luckily Meo was able to come with us and get plenty of pictures. I was so happy she was able to be there too!
When we first entered the pool Ben just started giggling and smiling. He liked the water right away. He liked being pretty close to me the whole time, but he wasn’t too clingy. He liked being moved through the water on his tummy and upright. He did not enjoy being on his back. We just didn’t do those moves. Miss Kayla was a wonderful teacher and led us through some songs and practice moves. The bigger kids worked on actual swimming techniques. They pushed off the walls, they kicked, the practiced swimming after toys. Ben really enjoyed splashing and kicking his feet. When I would move him through the water he would actually start to do a little butterfly kick of sorts! It was so cute!! He really enjoyed watching the other kids as well.
We have four more lessons to go still! I am super excited them all. Pat might go in with Ben at a future lesson, which will be fun to watch. I love swimming with Ben!