We had our weekend of Easter fun the weekend before Easter. Saturday we attended the Bunny Hop. Sunday we took Ben to his first Easter Egg hunt! We were fortunate that a family from church hosted a potluck hunt for the kids in the congregation. It was fun for Ben, and nice for Pat and me to meet some more church families.
The first part of the day we just hung out and ate some yummy food. (Side note- almost everyone added bacon to their food. It was amazing. 🙂 )While we were eating and visiting, the Easter Bunny stopped by to see the kids! He brought treats as well. Ben was thrilled to get to see the bunny again.

After the Easter Bunny made sure all the kids had some treats, we were ready to go out and hunt for all the eggs! This was a small group of kids, and most of them were in the same age range. I was pleased about that because it meant everyone got plenty of eggs, and no one went nuts or caused any problems. It was the first hunt for a lot of the kids, so it was cute to see them out there. Ben was pretty happy to grab just one egg and play with it, and another kid started tossing the eggs. Everyone figured it out pretty quick though. Ben wanted Daddy to hunt with him, and I stayed by the girls and took pictures.

I think we already have more pictures of the girls in their car seats than we have of Ben from a full year of using that seat. Second child problems, huh. Lots of traveling around and napping on the go so big brother can still go to activities. At least they can say they went to their first egg hunt at two months old instead of 2 years. 😉

After all the eggs were gathered we headed back in to open them up! Ben was so excited to see what he had. He got candy, stickers, and other little toys. It was wonderful.

After all the eggs were opened (and collected to use again next year- smart hosts!) we headed home. The girls needed to eat and Ben needed to nap. It was a wonderful first egg hunt. We had a great time hitting up all the Easter fun. I am so happy we got it all done the weekend before, giving us Easter Sunday to just relax with family and really enjoy the day. As Ben gets older he just gets more and more fun! I can’t wait until we have all three little ones out there running around!