Ali and Sammy are walking up a storm, Ben is super into his activities, and we have been busy having fun! Every week we attend story hours, do art, and we’ve added a science day to Ben’s routine. These three sweeties keep me active! Did I mention we went to a teddy bear picnic?
I have started to expand my one on one science activities with Ben. In the past it has been focused mainly on nature walks, talking about animals, cooking, and using the bath to talk about sink and float and body parts. I feel like science is a part of every day life, so just discussing how the world around us works makes up a big part of our science lessons. But I think Ben is ready for a bit more focused activity. We started with an easy one- celery in colored water. It’s just what it sounds like. You put a piece of cut celery in a cup of water with food coloring. In a few hours you will see the color climb up the celery. Red and blue work best. If you split a stalk and put one side in the red and one in the blue you will see purple up top!
It was an easy activity. We talked about how plants need water to live and what else they need. I compared a plant to what a person needs to live. Pretty basic stuff, but it spurred his interest and he has wanted to read more about plants. Win!

Tiny scientist in action!

He asked to check on his plants all day.
We started a new activity recently that Ali and Sammy absolutely adore. I think it is safe to say it is their favorite thing to do right now. It’s called- Play in big brother’s room. Ben loves to take Pat into his room to play when he gets home from work. We left the living room gate down one evening and let Ali and Sammy wander in to play. All three kids loved it! The girls were thrilled with the treasure trove of toys they never get to see. And they got to climb up on Ben’s bed. Ben adored playing on the bed with them and having us all in his room to play. He did a great job sharing his toys! We don’t do this every night, but for a special fun time we all head to Ben’s room.

Everyone in Ben’s room!

Hey, who let my little sisters into my room…

Playing with big brother’s stuff is the best!!
We’ve been keeping up with our new summer tradition of breakfast in the park on Fridays! I like to get out before it gets too hot in the day, and this works perfectly. Sammy and Ali like to sit and eat. (Really they enjoy any activity with food.) Ben does more playing than eating, but that’s okay. We are usually the only ones at the park when we do this, which means I can play with Ben a bit and keep an eye on the girls while they eat. Everyone comes home happy and ready to have a great day!

Sammy and Ali- breakfast at the park! They adore sitting outside like big girls and eating.

I adore getting to spend some quality time with this cool kid too.
We had a special library story hour recently- a teddy bear picnic! Story hour was outside and all the kids were encourage to bring a stuffed friend. I think Ben’s favorite part was running around with all the other kids. He was a big sweetie and shared his Teddy Grahams with Ali and Sammy. (I think the snacks were their favorite part.) It was a really cute event and the kids had a blast!

Teddy Bear Picnic! What can I say? Snacks are a big hit with these kids.
Splash pads are opening up all over the city, our pools are out, and we are gearing up for all sorts of water play this summer. We’re going to have so much fun!