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Finally, a big snow!!  After lunch we bundled Ben up and took him out to play in the snow!  This is the first time he’s been in a big snow where he could walk.  Okay, he couldn’t really walk in the snow, it was too high.  But the only other time we took him out in a big snow he was only 4 months old.  He couldn’t really do much then.  This time he could enjoy it a little more!
Cutie in snow pants!
Exactly how many layers are you going to put on me?
Why, hello there
Picture with Mommy!
What is this stuff?
Not looking super amused…
The snow is almost to his waist!
Ben liked the snow better from up here.

As expected, we didn’t last very long outside.  Ben couldn’t walk with the snow practically to his waist.  He didn’t like when it got on his gloves either.  But we enjoyed a little bit of time outside in the snow.

We brought some snow inside for Ben to explore further.  I think he found it…  different.  He wasn’t entirely sure about it at first, but for the most part he enjoyed it.

Inside snow!
Digging right in
Making a tiny snow ball
That was fun!

I’m looking forward to all the snow days to come as Ben grows up!


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Walking in the snow
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