… is just a hoot! This past week he has just been a ton of fun to hang out with.
He’s modeled his hat for me. He has gotten in to picking out his own shirts, and it is always interesting to see what he goes for.

He loves to talk to me about everything in the world while in the back seat. This is at the end of a very interesting drive where we discussed the different Bubble Guppies and Team Umizoomi characters. Okay, we mainly recited who they were over and over. But still, he is a blast to talk to.

Ben pulled out his backpack this week. He insisted Pat and I put some on too. We really just hung out wearing them, but he thought it was awesome.

He isn’t always into holding still for pictures, but I wrangled him for this one.

Sorry, there isn’t really a story to tell with this post. I just want to remember how much fun he is, right now, June of 2016, 2.75 years old. I am one lucky mom. 🙂