This year was Ben’s best Halloween yet. I am loving this age. He totally got into the fun of the holiday and we had a blast! We Halloweened hard.
We started off by attending several library programs. The nice thing about our new library system is that we have more branches we can go to. We went to two Halloween story hours. We also did a craft party. Ben loved the little crafts! They were perfect for his age. There were three different plates we made into a Frankenstein monster, a jack-o-lantern, and a bat. The pieces we needed were already cut out, we just had to glue them on. It took just the right amount of time for Ben’s attention span.
Making Halloween decorations!
The girls had fun too!
Happy Ali!
Smiley Sammy
Pat’s school had a Halloween event that families were invited to attend. The kids from the school got to trick or treat. Ben was super excited to be in his Halloween costume with his daddy. He looked so cute as Buzz Lightyear! And Pat made an amazing Woody. Ben really liked helping hand out candy to the kids. Later he played at the playground and got a chance to jump in the bounce house!
Buzz and Woody!
I love these two characters. 🙂
We always love a playground.
Bounce house!!
The Saturday before Halloween we went with Aunt Gail and Uncle Dan to the Halloween party at their country club. Jessee, Evan, Peyton, and Benson went too! Ben was so excited to get to hang out and party with his cousins. They were all so cute at the party! The kids got to eat a ton of good food, decorate pumpkins, get their faces painted, and dance the evening away.
Peyton is so sweet with Ben! She takes good care of him.
How cute are these three? I love getting to spend time with them!
Buzz Lightyear! He was so happy to wear his costume so much. It was adorable!
Uncle Dan helped Ben decorate his pumpkin.
The kid ate about a million hot dogs. He was so happy to try the cake ball eye ball.
Face painted! This was the first time Ben actually went through with it. He didn’t like the process, but he liked his ice cream cone!
Ali and Sammy enjoyed the party too! Ali was super into it. Our little extrovert smiled at everyone and ate up all the attention. Sammy was a little shyer. She had fun, but was a little nervous around some of the new people. They were big girls and sat in their high chairs like champs. And they both ate a ton too! They didn’t get to eat any of the junk food yet, but they had a lot of fun eating and smiling.
Party girls!
Good talk with Uncle Dan
That Evan is so funny!
These girls know how to party. 🙂
Ben’s pumpkin! Looking good!
The kids had so much fun. Benson, Ben, and Peyton danced hard. The band had all sorts of little percussion instruments for the kids to play with too, which of course Ben adored. The girls liked dancing with us and really seemed to enjoy being a part of everything. My favorite part was Ben running up to Pat and saying, “Daddy, come dance!” Pat isn’t usually much of a dancer, but who can say know to that invitation?
Finally, on actual Halloween Ben went trick or treating for the first time!! We were going to take him last year, but he refused to wear his costume so we decided not to. This year he knew what was going on and was so excited! He liked having us go up to the door with him, so we took turns going up and staying with the girls. Ben did a great job of saying Happy Halloween and thanking everyone as he got his candy. A few of the decorated houses were a little scary for him, but overall he really enjoyed himself!
I loved our little group of costumes. Ben was of course Buzz Lightyear, Pat was Woody, and I was Jessie. We wanted to keep the Toy Story theme up so the girls were Mrs. Potato Heads. I was super proud of their little costumes and thought they were so cute. I thought the girls would play with them a bit, but I hoped they would ignore them overall. Yeah, that isn’t at all what happened. They would not leave their costumes alone. They pulled the pieces off and tried to eat them. I got a few pictures, but nothing super great. I tried to get pictures of all of us together but Ben was not having it. Instead of prolonging the meltdowns just to try to get a good picture I just let it go. I pulled the pieces off the girls for trick or treating and skipped the group picture. Maybe someday I’ll get good pictures of all three kids together, but not this time. 😛
My little Mrs. Potato Heads. They looked so cute… for a few seconds anyway. 😉
Trick or treating baby style
Trick or treating with Daddy!
Buzz and Jessie
We let Ben try some candy when we got home. He really liked the chocolate ones. I don’t think we’ve ever let him eat candy so late in the day, and he really liked that.
Ben is already asking when he can trick or treat again. He had a great time with all of the Halloween festivities. Ali and Sammy were super cute throughout everything, and I know they will get into it even more as they get older. I love Halloween! Now it’s time to get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Yay!